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Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg
Kastanienallee 77, Prenzlauer Berg
Prenzlauer Berg in Pankow has changed dramatically in recent years. From being a large working-class neighborhood with all that entails, the neighborhood has now changed to be a municipality for the better-off, well-to-do and successful. It is also typical here that many rich Germans from the south have chosen to buy apartments for their student children or for their own use as holiday homes.
One of the many alternative cafés in Prenzlauer Berg
Much has changed since Chancellor Angela Merkel lived in Schönhauser Alleee and was a BZ back in the GDR era.
Zion Church - Zionskirchstraße 44
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a priest in the
Church of Zion from 1931 until he was arrested by the Nazis in 1944 and
executed in the concentration camp Flossenbürg on April 5, 1945.
There are many pubs, restaurants, cafes, galleries and small shops in Prenzlauer Berg and there is also a very special nightlife. This is also where you will find the famous Biergarten Prater - Kastanienallee 7-9 - which has been serving beer since 1837. Kvarteret husede i mange år intellektuelle, kunstnere og studerende, da huslejerne var billige, men efter Tysklands genforening har hovedparten af boligmassen gennemgået dyre renoveringer, og flere velhavende er flyttet til kvarteret, der nu er blevet mondænt.
Public transport
:U-Bahn to:
Eberswalder Straße
Schönhauser Allee
S-Bahn t
o:Schönhauser Allee
Prenzlauer Allee
Berlin is always worth a visit - summer or winter - but where to go? Here
are some slightly unusual and very different suggestions for places I like to